5:48 PM


Posted by Cheryl |

Earlier in the week I believe God really put it on my heart to start a blog or something like it so that we could better encourage Randi and her family, share information, but most importantly as way that we could keep a record of the amazing things He is going to do in the days ahead. I was pretty certain that Shauna would be all for it! I'm so excited to see how God is going to use this in the days ahead to show his Glory and provision for Randi and all those who love her!

This idea popped in my head just after I was blessed to see answered prayers ...

As I was talking to Diane on Monday morning she said she hadn't been able to talk to Randi other than for a few minutes the week before and as you can imagine, she just really needed to talk to her. As we were talking her cell phone rang, she glanced at the number and said it was a Dallas area code, so not Randi, but I let her go to answer it anyway. As I hung up I just started praying that Randi would be able to call soon, and prayed, (despite the fact that it was not the right area code) "God, let the call Diane just got be Randi." She rang me back about a half hour later to let me know that it indeed WAS Randi.... A co-incidence??? I don't think so, I'd call it a God-incidence and I believe we will see a lot more of them in the coming days...

We serve an awesome God!