6:04 PM

Because Randi told me not to do it.....

Posted by Shauna |

Randi's previous boss sent me a picture of Randi from work. She told me not to put it up on the website...but whatever....

Let's see if she can stop me....

DISCLAIMER: For those of you who don't know us - Randi & I have the same sense of humor...and you may not think that was a funny statement - but I do. And Randi would also.

So here she is! So cute!
If you look closely, you can see all the pictures of Randi's dog, Skyler. She really, really loves her dog. So - pray that I don't set Skyler free. I set our family's first dog, Ginger, free...and she has never really forgiven me for it.

Randi gets copies of all of our posts & all of the comments so she is probably going to be calling me as soon as she gets a copy of this one. Randi, I swear that I will take care of your dog. Ugh.

That being said...please comment away - she does get to read all of the comments and those mean a lot to her and to the other girls. I am sure they would all love to hear from you whether it is in a personal letter or in comments on the blog.


Lorie said...

I love this picture of Randi-
I will picture your sweet face often and it will be a prayer that God is blessing you and using this time to draw you to Him. Think about this as your test and when He is through working You will have your testimony! You can use it for good!
Be blessed!

Staci said...

You look so cute!!! I'm sure Shauna will just threaten setting Skyler free...she won't really do it...I hope! lol

Brandi said...

such a good picture! (since she is seeing this) Randi, it is me (the crazy lady from TN that wrote you)! YOU ARE IN MY PRAYERS, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME, IT IS AWESOME!
Sisters In Christ, Brandi

Fawn said...

What a hottie!
(Hopefully that made you smile Randi.)

It's good for us to all see how "normal" you are. Bad things can happen to good people.

My son's best friend's Mother has been in jail for many years for the same reason. She doesn't know her youngest daughter who is now 6 years old. Her kids are fantastic because they have an amazing father who would do (and did) anything for them. There are four of them all together.

I don't know if you have kids, it doesn't sound like it. But get out of there and like Lorie said before me, you will have one powerful tesitmony to share with others.

In my prayers...Fawn

Anonymous said...

Such a cutie...

Randi- I am a total dog person and much better at it than Shauna. Dog's love me so I will go to Shauna's and love love love on your Skyler until she/he(?) leaves for mom and dad's...

Please don't tell Shauna I said that.

Life on the farm... said...

I understand your sense of humor! Randi is beautiful, I am praying that God will get those charges dropped, set her free, and LIVE...

Ness said...

Randi you are always gorgeous and such a great sense of style!

Skyler hehe .What can I say about this little pup? lol I have never seen a more pampered dog in my life. He always knows how to get exactly what he wants from you! That little stinker! You guys have an amazing bond for sure. I love the pictures I have of him and Rona. I am going to have find them and post one up! I found one of his "ducks" while I was moving. I miss that little guy.