7:32 PM

Mirror On The Wall

Posted by Diane |

As I look in the mirror, on the wall,
I see me, looking back, at who is suppose to be me....
Am I surprised at what I see,
or should I turn around, one hundred,
and eighty degrees?
That will make me turn the other cheek....
Take a good look around, before I speak....
Then I can think, before I say,
I want to look at myself in a different way...
I should always be happy, when I look myself in the face....
As far as I'm concerned, I can't be replaced.
I'm one of a kind, and I'm unique,
when I look back in the mirror, and the mirror speaks......
It's only myself, telling me, to do what it takes, to be a better me.

By: James A. Tinsley (JT)


Kimberly said...

Hi Randi, your blog is a constant reminder to me of God's love in this world. You inspire me. I'm having some rough times myself right now -- nothing compared to what you are going through. But we all have our struggles. The way you cope is inspirational! I often use my blog to remind me of how far I've come and where I want to go. So I hope you don't mind if I post your "Mirror On The Wall" poem on my blog... with credit of course. But there it will stay to remind me of who I can become. I keep you in my prayers. Thank you for being one of God's servant leaders.

Blessings to you,